











       1、Many people insist that... 很多人(坚持)认为……


       2、With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that... 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为……


       3、A lot of people seem to think that... 很多人似乎认为……

       "think"终于闪亮登场,但"seem to"为整个句子增添了点婉转之感,这种客观的方式貌似较受老外(尤其腐国人)喜爱。



       1、People's views on... vary from person to person. Some hold that... . However, others believe that.... 人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为.....然而其他人却认为……


       2、Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person. 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。


       3、People may have different opinions on... 人们对……可能会有不同的见解。


       4、There are different opinions among people as to... 关于……人们的观点大不相同。

       "different"虽拉低了水准,但"as to"又拯救了回来。

       5、Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同。




       1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that... 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论……

       很完全的答法,"take sth into consideration"短语的应用,加分。

       2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that... 考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论……

       "Take into account sth"短语似乎又比上句的"take sth into consideration"提升了一个层次。

       3、Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that... 因此,自然我们得出以下结论...

       "Hence"一词用在文章中大气吧,但别平时口语中用,否则即使老外也用一种看老古董的眼神看你。。。再特意提一句:"we'd better"在这里不是“不得不”或“最好”的意思,而是一种自然而然,水到渠成的得出结论。

       4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点。

       短语"there is no doubt that"上线,同时运用我们的老朋友"as well as"增加看点。

       5、All in all, we cannot live without... But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. 总之,我们没有……是无法生活的。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题。



       1、Many people insist that... 很多人(坚持)认为?


       2、With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that... 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为?


       3、A lot of people seem to think that... 很多人似乎认为?

       4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题)

       5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that?(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为?)

       6:It is a common belief that?==It is commonly believed that?(人们一般认为?)

       7:A lot of people seem to think that?(很多人似乎认为?)



        在英语的 作文 写作中,学生要学会多积累一些较为高级的 句子 ,这样写出来的作文才更有含金量。下面是我整理的一些关于六级 英语作文 开头结尾高级句型的相关资料。


        1. Nowadays,the Internet has been playing an important role in our everyday life It has brought a lot of benefits but has also brought some problems如今,互联网已在我们生活中扮演越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些问题。

        2. With the development of our society,more and more people believe that knowledge is very important随着社会的发展,越来越多的人认为知识很重要。

        3. A lot of people think that knowledge is very necessary很多人认为知识很必要。

        4. People's opinions about the Internet are different Some think that it can bring a lot of benefits However, others think that it dose harm to our health人们对互联网的观点各有不同,有些人认为互联网给我们带来了很多益处,然而,其他人却认为他对我们有害。

        5. Everything has two sides and the Internet is not an exception ,it has both advantage and disadvantage每个硬币都有两面,互联网也不例外,它既有优点有与缺点。

        6. Human beings are facing a big problem ,the air pollution ,which is becoming more and more serious人类正面临一个严重的问题,大气污染,这个问题变得越来越严重。


        What we do will make the world more beautiful.

        1. not…until


        I didn’t know the truth until she told me what happened.

        2. as if


        He talks a lot as if he knows everything.

        3. It is no use (good) doing…


        It’s no use pretending that you didn’t know the rules.

        4. find it + adj to do…


        I find it necessary to take down notes while listening.

        5. It is + time since…


        It is two years since I last met him.

        6. It is + time when…


        It was 8 o’clock when I got to the cinema.

        7. It is + time before…


        It won’t be long before we can meet again.

        8. It is…that…


        It is friendship that I value most.

        9. It is + n / adj + that / to do…


        It is a must that everybody should know how to use computers.


        1.in order that


        She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 o'clock.

        2. in order to


        He worked very hard in order to realize his dream.

        3. so…that


        They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn.

        4. such…that


        It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.

        5. would rather do…than do


        He would rather listen to others than talk himself.

        6. prefer doing to doing

        他宁愿在精心准备后去做 报告 。

        He prefers making speeches after careful preparation.

        7. prefer to do…rather than do


        Compared with women, men always prefer to sleep at home rather than spend so much time shopping.

        8. not only…but also


        In just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received her doctor's degree.

        9. either…or


        You could either buy an MP3 or go to Yunnan for a visit if you pass the exam.

        10. Neither…nor


        He is a boring man. He likes neither entertainment nor reading.

        11. as well as


        He was kind as well as helpful.

        12. …as well


        The child is active and funny as well.

        13. One…the other


        Have you seen two pens on the desk? One is red, the other is black.

        14. Some…others


        Everyone is busy in classroom. Some are reading, others are writing.

        15. make…+adj /n


        六级英语作文开头结尾高级句型相关 文章 :

        1. 六级英语作文开头结尾高级句型

        2. 六级英语作文开头结尾万能句子

        3. 英语作文开头结尾高级句式

        4. 经典六级英语作文万能句子和模板

        5. 英语六级作文万能模板+高分句式,你值得拥有!

        6. 英语6级作文开头结尾优秀范文

        7. 高考英语作文开头结尾万能高级句型

        8. 高考英语作文开头高级句型

        9. 六年级英语作文开头结尾亮句子





       The most popular teacher in Neworiental, Ma Zihui, will attend the party.



       Young and ambitious,JieYu works hard to teach Englsih.

       Secretly, the girl entered the room.

       With a book in her hands, Fang Meng talked to a foreigner.

       Exhausted, the students reached the top of the mountain.



       In front of me stood a beautiful girl.

       To pass the exam, the students worked hard.

       Confused about the problem, he went to ask for his teacher.

       Your homework finished, you may go home.


       If I am free, I will attend your lecture.

       Whenever one goes, whatever one does, one needs money.


       (1) With the (rapidly) growing popularity of (computers/private cars) in China, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed.

       (2) With the (rapid) growth of (our economy/population), many problems such as (water shortages/waste of energy/lack of professionals and chaotic management) are beginng to surface

       (3) With the development of (science and technology/market economy), more and more/an increasing number of people come to realize that ?

       (4) Currently there is a widespread/serious concern over (illegal publication/drug abuse/negative influence of western cultures).

       (5) Nowadays, a heated debated/discussion about?is under way in China .some people believe that ?, whereas others argue that?

       (6) There are some reasons for owning (private cars/ personal computers). To begin with,? Next,? Last, ? There are, on the oher hand, many reasons against it. First, ? Second,? Finally,?

       (7) There are many advantanges and disadvantages in (owning a car).

       (8) There are various /at least three ways/possible techniques/problems/methods to do something

       (9) Smoking/Alcoholic beverage should be banned from college campuses for toe reasons. The first reason is that ? The second reason is that ? /On the one hand , ? On the other hand. ?

       (10) The possible solutions of (the enery crisis/water shortanges/these social problems) depend on three factors?

       (11) The tow major reasons responsible for (the rapid economic growth /the widespread of fake products ) are?



       [1] when asked about..., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that ?. but i think/view a bit differently.

       [2] when it comes to ...., some people believe that?. others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true. there is probably some truth in both arguments/statements, but i tend to the former/latter.

       [3] now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that..... they claim/ believe/argue that ... but i wonder/doubt whether.....


       [1] recently the rise in the problem/phenomenon of ... has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern.

       [2] recently the issue of the problem/phenomenon of ...has been brought into focus/into public attention.

       [3] inflation/corruption/social inequality ... is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly.


       [1] now people in growing/significant numbers are beginning/coming to realize/accept/(be aware) that...

       [2] now there is a(n)growing awareness/recognition of the necessity to....

       [3] now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of ....

       [4] perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea that....



       [1] for years, ...had been viewed as .... but people are taking a fresh look now. with the growing ..., people ....

       [2] people used to think that ... (in the past, ....) but people now share this new idea.


       [1] once in (a newspaper), i read of/learnt..... the phenomenon of ... has aroused public concern.

       [2] i have a friend who ... should he ....? such a dilemma we are often confronted with in our daily life.

       [3] once upon a time, there lived a man who .... this story may be (unbelievable), but it still has a realistic significance now.


       句型1:There+be +主语+地点状语/ 时间状语。


如:There’s a boat in the river. 河里有条船。

       句型2:What’s wrong with+sb. / sth. ?

       如:What’s wrong with your watch?你的手表有什么毛病?

       句型3:How do you like...?

       如:How do you like China?你觉得中国怎么样?

       句型4:What do you like about...?

       如:What do you like about China?你喜欢中国的什么?

       句型5:had better(not)+动词原形。

       句型6:How+adj. / adv. +主语+谓语!What a/ an+adj. +n. +主语+谓语!







       评价句型:(it+is/was+形容词+to do/that从句)。





       功能句: When asked about …, mostpeople say... But many other people regard… as …. Ipersonally think…

       译文: When asked about the ongoing uproar involvingU.S. President Bill Clinton, most people say the affair involves a purelyprivate matter. But many other people regard his actions as deplorable. Ipersonally think the president committed impeachable offences.


       功能句: When it comes to the increasing use of…, somepeople think that…. Others argue that ... There is probably some truth to botharguments, but … must be instituted regardless of….

       译文: When it comes to the increasing use of motorvehicles in Beijing, some people think that use should be limited. Others arguethat the opposite is true. There is probably some truth to both arguments, butemission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles.


       功能句: There is a general debate nowadays about theproblem of…. Those who object to the … argue that…. Theybelieve that … But people who favor …, on the other hand, maintain that …

       译文:There isa general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers. Those whoobject to the rising migrant population argue that increasing numbers lead torising crime rates and harm social stability. They believe that strict limitsshould be placed on migrants entering China’s cities. But peoplewho favor the influx of the cheap labor force, on the other hand, maintain thatmigrants are needed to support the massive urban infrastructure constructionprogram.





        1. more than…can 简直不,无法,难以…

        2. beyond description 无法描述

        3. There is no point(use) in doing… …是没有任何意义的'.

        4. The first nut for us to crack is … 我们首先要解决的问题是…

        5. short-sighted policy 眼光短浅的政策

        6. while ……with one hand, ……with the other. 当(我们)一方面…., 而另一方面…

        7. far from 远离,远远不,非但不 eg. Far from taking exception(take exception:反对), no one is even mildly surprised.

        8. (or) vice-versa 反之亦然

        9. sth. be measured in terms of … sth.用…来衡量

        10. (现象)…, upon which views vary from person to person.

        11. A be more essential to B. 对B来说, A是尤为关键重要的.


        1. My suggestion to deal with/solve/relieve the problem are as follows. In the first place,…. Secondly,…. Finally,… [常见句型]

        2. If we let the situation go as it is, …. By that time, …. 如果让这种情况继续发展下去,那么…… 到那个时候…[比较好的句型]

        3. More and more people are realizing the importance of…[进行时态, more and more比many好]

        4. Great efforts/More measures/Due attention must be taken/paid to do …[被动语态,due attention 和be paid to 搭配]

        5. If……, will there be anything that can make me even happier? 如果(我们怎么怎么做),那将没有比这令我更高兴的了。[条件句,反问句]

        6. It is important/necessary/urgent/desirable(希望)/advisable(明智) for sb. to do sth. [It is …for …to do…句型]

        7. enhance the awareness of people that…

        8. The first nut for us to crack is… 我们首先要解决的是……。 [比The first thing we should do is … 句型 高级的多,精彩的多,生动的多]

        9. sth. be of the utmost importance [ be of n. 结构, 比sth. be much important好]


        1. (结果), owing to (原因) [owing to 为分词结构]

        2. (结果), attributable to(原因) [attributable to为形容词短语]

        3. (结果) lie in the fact that(原因) [ 同位语从句 ]

        4. (结果) result from(原因) [句型一般]

        5. It is precisely because (原因)…that (导致结果)… [强调结构]

        6. …, as a result, …(导致结果)… [as a result做插入语]

        7. (原因) be responsible for(结果) [常见句型]

        8. (原因),which in turn(结果) eg. They give rise to unfair competition, which in turn throws original businesses into a commercial panic.


        1. (Just) as …, so… 正如… [ 比较句型 ]

        eg. Just as water is the most important of liquids, so air is the most important of gases.

        2. in much the same way/manner that… 正如…, 和…一样

        eg. The Americans spend Christmas Day in much the same way that the Europeans do.


        1. now that …… 既然…… [让步从句]

        eg. Now that the decision has been made, we must try our best to carry it out.

        2. unless…not… [ 让步从句]

        eg. It is a vicious cycle and unless you consider these social, economic and environmental problems in one context, you are not serious about meeting the challenges.

        [注意例句中的consider sth. in one context句型:把什么事情放在一起加以综合考虑]

